Welcome to the Volunteer area of our website. This page will provide you with the necessary information to help you meet the volunteer requirements for the Waseca Hockey Association.
Hours not worked will be charged at $30 / hour
This is a short video to show you how to use the DIBS function of our website.
District 9 and MN Hockey will be utilizing a e-Scoresheet via the GameSheet app. Training is available by contacting Anthony Martens, Andrea Roemhildt, or Steve Hoppe.
Instructional Video from Steve Hoppe of the Waseca Hockey Association
Here is a link to a video on how to run a scoreboard similar to the one at the Waseca Community Arena. If you have additional questions, please contact Anthony Martens, Steve Hoppe or anyone of the WHA Board Members.
Instructional Video from Steve Hoppe of the Waseca Hockey Association
This video is informational on how to run a scoreboard that is similar in nature to the one used at the Waseca Community Arena.
Here is information about announcing
Steve Hoppe with the Waseca Hockey Association provides a short video on Announcing